Hope can be redefined according to the angle we are at. Let every season we go through be an opportunity for us to be better and not broken, or get lost. Yesterday may have been a mess but there is an opportunity for us to arise out of the muddy clay and shine again. It’s not too late to work on whatever is holding you down. Avoiding the real issues never takes the challenges away, we rather address them before they eat us up.
Let’s look at each day as another blessing that GOD has given unto us. “For this is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”. No one is ever going to make that decision for you to be glad, so is every decision you make in your life.
How about we redefine Hope again each day that we go through. Let’s not skip the things we see as little (those are miracles that carry us through each day), the fact that GOD has given us another day, we are accountable for it. HE gives grace for each situation we are in. And in as much as we see others and we admire them, they also either had a journey of their own or they are going through their own seasons.
Is it dark and hazy? our true source of HOPE is GOD and has always been HIM.
From HIM we drink and we don’t thirst again. John 4.14
If you’re in a place of not knowing how to go through whatever your facing, HE is our present help in times of trouble. Turn to HIM. Psalm 46.1
Our journey of Hope is one to remember and as we go through the huddles, we do not stop or give up along the way. Any solider that gives up at the battle field is at risk of losing themselves. So, we keep pushing until we make it and get help when you need it. Each challenge overcome becomes a testimony that helps another that is going through it to hold-on until they equally see victory. The chain of helping does not stop with you and me, there people who are lost and just by sharing with them at the right time it gives them faith of what GOD can do.
As we go through this week, lets look forward to the different topics we will be handling from the month of March. Keep checking echoesofhopeug.com for weekly updates
-Sharon Ayeeta Obwana-